Sarav is the creator and Founding Author of Devops Junction. He has 13+ years of experience in Software Development and Architecture. He has written around 250+ articles on various technologies.

Weblogic Application Deployment Parser

Let me introduce  Weblogic Application Deployment Parser , A tool designed to list all the application (app-deployment) configuration from the config.xml file of weblogic. It uses the same core of Weblogic Config XML Reader you can find it here Though there are  weblogic.Admin and WLST ways to get the deployed[...]

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The WordPress and the vanishing html elements

Are you looking for a solution to any of the following probelm "html elements are not working in wordpress post", "iframe tag is getting stripped in the post after update", "script tags are vanishing after updating the post", "not able to use any html elements in the post" "Not able[...]

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How to Ignore SSH Host Key Verification

While running a script to login to multiple remote servers using sshpass (or) keybased authentication (or) while logging to remote server using ssh (or) while copying the file using SCP. There are chances we might have encountered this "Host Key Verification failed" message. All the time we cannot do manual[...]

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How to handle the weblogic too many open files exception

How to handle the weblogic Too many open files exceptions in Linux environment. Exception: <Jan 9, 2018 11:06:01 AM IST> <Notice> <Server> <> <mwiserver2> <DynamicListenThread[Default]> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1515557161382> <BEA-002614> <Reopening channel "Default" on> ####<Jan 9, 2018 11:06:01 AM IST> <Error> <Server> <> <mwiserver2> <DynamicListenThread[Default]> <<WLS Kernel>> <>[...]

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Remote Server - File System Lister [Linux]

Have you ever  had the requirement of logging in to the Nnumber of remote servers (without keybased authentication ) and  get the mount point information and save it as CSV Report (or) Print it with a good console formatting. Then this is for you. Basically, It is a Shell script ([...]

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weblogic.Deployer Exception - Server Unavailable

While Doing the deployment throught Jenkins/Hudson/Anthill continious integration server tools (or) while directly deploying the app using weblogic.Deployer (or) during the normal console deployment, there are chances you might have come across this exception. Exception: java.rmi.RemoteException: [Deployer:149145]Unable to contact  'mwiServer3'. Deployment is deferred until 'mwiServer3' becomes available. Deployment Logs weblogic@mwinventory01>[...]

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How to Pack and Unpack the Domain in weblogic

pack and unpack of weblogic domain While setting up the distributed WebLogic domain infrastructure,   You might have wondered,(as I did) "how am going to get the another unix machine into my domain and register it or create the managed server in it ?" Installing the WebLogic and re-creating the domain[...]

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